Why Cohort Coaching?

The cohort model is a safe, inclusive space to discuss challenges and opportunities, network and deepen connection with colleagues, improve ability to work with others, and establish healthy practice habits.

Our Courses

We offer three signature cohort coaching programs that address key mindset, workday management, and practical skills tailored to critical stages of your associates’ development.


  • Improve practice management, efficiency, and communication 

  • Provide framework for excellent practice habits and routines

  • Drive engagement in firm’s key development objectives


  • Facilitate successful pivot from junior to mid-level associate

  • Improve key project and people management skills

  • Provide framework to practice management fundamentals


  • Implement and grapple with leadership fundamentals

  • Improve delegation, feedback, and communication 

  • Instill workday and project management techniques



After breaking your associates into small cohorts, we take them through a blended learning experience that includes themed micro-content, live coaching, and reflection writing. We provide regular reports on attendance and engagement, key themes, and other ground-level insights so you can better understand your associates’ needs.